Antiochian Women

Antiochian Women

The Women of St. George

Sisters in Christ

Antiochian Women of St. George is a group whose purpose is fellowship, charitable outreach and service through the spirit of our Orthodox Christian faith.  We welcome women from the ages of 19 to 99. Every woman is encouraged to join us. Monthly meetings occur on the 1st Sunday of each month after Divine Liturgy. 

Want to find out more?
Reach out at


In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

O Christ our God, we are all pledged to serve Thee with our whole being. Help us to continue to work for Thee through our Church without seeking praise, without seeking personal gain, without judging others, without a feeling that we have worked hard enough and now must allow ourselves rest. Give us strength to do what is right and help us to go on striving and to remember that activities are not the main thing in life. The most important thing is to have our hearts directed and attuned to Thee.


Antiochian Womens Events

Judge Kathryn Michael honored as Woman of the Year by the Council of Orthodox Women


On Saturday September 21st and Sunday September 22nd the Antiochian Women of Saint George where able to host Mother Gabriella.

The retreat was a wonderful opportunity to learn from Mother Gabriella's acquired spiritual wisdom.

Retreat Talk from Saturday 21st

Homily for Sunday 22nd

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